User Settings

User Settings.

These settings is related to user password length, password format, registration method ...etc.

App Screen.

Opening User Settings.

  1. Click Configure menu item.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click User Settings.

User Settings Page.

Figure 1.2 shows the user setting that you can change. 

App Screen.

User Settings Page.

  1. Determines User registration method. Standard - mode where visitors can register and no approval is required. Email Validation - mode where user must respond to validation email that is sent to them before they are activated. Admin Approval - mode where visitors can register but admin approval is required. Disabled - mode where registration is disabled.
  2. Notify the Admin when a new User is registered.
  3. Specify Password minimum length.
  4. Specify the number of User passwords that mustn't be the same as the previous one, enter 0 if the User can use the same password time after time.
  5. Choose default password format. Please keep in mind that this setting will be applied only to the newly registered Users.
  6. Specify number of days for password expiration. Don't forget to check "EnablePasswordLifetime" property on User role edit page for those roles, who will have to change passwords.
  7. Enter number of days for password recovery link. Set to 0 if it doesn't expire.
  8. Maximum login failures to lockout account. Set 0 to disable this feature.
  9. Enter number of minutes to lockout users (for login failures).
  10. Force entering email twice during registration.
  11. Check to use usernames for login/registration instead of emails.
  12. Choose the time zone for the city Pasmah working in.

