Frequently Asked Questions

Dashboard (3)

How I can tell about the number of absent employee?

at the top of the Dashboard screen you can see for rectangular boxes. when you choose a specific shift from the drop down box and click the go button, the App will determine all the employees linked to that shift and calculate the number of the employees in shift, the Late-in, early-out and absent employees and display them in the correct box.

How the missed punches work in Dashboard?

at the middle right of the Dashboard there is a chart box for this purpose. when you choose a specific shift from the drop down box and click the go button, the App will determine all the employees linked to that shift and check all the punches taken by every employee in the shift. and then lie this data in the bars of the chart. the Y axis represent the number of employees in the shift and the X axis represent all the punches recorded for the selected shift. at the beginning of the day (before any employee make a punch) the number of missed chck-in punches (as an example) will be equal to the number of employees because there is no employee make check-in punch every employee take a check-in punch the number of missed punches in the bar will be decreased by one.

What is the function of new employee chart?

it show how many new employee registered in the application in a specific time interval (week, month, year).

Shifts (2)

What is the meaning and function of (dst) when defining shift?

dst is apprevition of day start time. it is the time in hours from which (until the shift start time) the employee allowed to make check-in punch.

Is Pasmah restricted to specific shift design?

Pasmah can work with any shift design (daily, nightly, with/without break, with/without overtime ...etc

Devices (3)

The devices status is disconnected, how i solve this problem?

Try theses steps:
1- Make sure that the device is in the subnet range of the computer that hosting Pasmah App. i.e if the address of the computer is: the address of the device must be:192.168.1.* you can check that from the configuration of the device
2- (VERY IMPORTANT) when you configure the device, make sure that the connection mode is from server-to-device not the inverse
3- Try restart the computer
4- Try restart the device.

I can't see the device in the device list?

1- make sure that the device is in the subnet range of the computer that hosting Pasmah App. i.e if the address of the computer is: the address of the device must be:192.168.1.* you can check that from the configuration of the device
2- (VERY IMPORTANT) when you configure the device, make sure that the connection mode is from server-to-device not the inverse
3- Try restart the computer
3- Try restart the device.

when i open the Devices Logs screen (event log menu item) i can't see the logs of one of the devices?

1-make sure the admin register the time and attendance keys in all device (see the blog) 2- make sure that the device is in the subnet range of the computer that hosting Pasmah App. i.e if the address of the computer is: the address of the device must be:192.168.1.* you can check that from the configuration of the device
3- (VERY IMPORTANT) when you configure the device, make sure that the connection mode is from server-to-device not the inverse
4- Try restart the computer
5- Try restart the device.

Reports (5)

In daily report when I search for employee punches, no results appear why?

If the logged-in manager not the manager of the employee, Pasmah will not display any think. the manager can see his employees only. so go to the employee page and change the manager of employee to the logged-in manager.

In daily report although the employee is associated with a schedule, there is wrong exceptions(like: early-out or late-in) and wrong hours calculated(for cut and R.H) why?

The mean reason for this error is because the current day (which has wrong data) falls into two schedule. for specific day the employee must found in one and only one schedule. the solution is to delete one of two schedule that overlap for this day or chabge the start and end day of both schedule or one of them.

As a manager how i can benefit from the real time punches screen?

The real time punches screen is very important especially at the beginning of the day. you open the screen at the start of the day and monitor the check-in punch time of every employee in real time. you will know who come early and who come late.

What the function of employee punches screen?

In this screen you can make a search between date range for an emloyee or whole department to collect the punches occurred in that date and the type of each punch and who come late.

What the function of daily employee report?

The daily employee report collect all punches of an employee/s in one day. it show the data in tabular format. you can add/edit/delete employee punch. you can also add/edit/delete leaves.

SMS / Email (2)

What is the relation between a time and attendance App and the SMS / Email?

This is a good question. the utilization of SMS / Email in a time and attendance system is very important It HAS A MAJOR Impact ON WORK DISCIPLINE.if you activate SMS / Email in App configuration, the App will send an SMS / Email to an employee if the employee make an exception in a punch (late-in, early-out, come late from break, ...etc). and the system can be configured to also notify the employee manager (also by SMS / Email) in real time. (the time of employee punch).

Is there any additional charge for SMS / Email ?

Yes. the Telecom Company charge for every SMS message. there is many email provider that can give you 100 email every day free like sendinBlue. refere to configuration->plugins to see how to configure SMS/Email

Employees (1)

How i can register my employee in Pasmah App. i can't see this feature in Pasmah App.?

for simplicity and saving time The Application don't allow the admin to directly add employees to Application. the admin must register the employee first in the device with minimum information (ID, name, profile picture, ...etc). then from Employee screen he can import the employee from all devices at once, completed the remaining information, then save. this a very quickly method for registering employees in application.