General Setting

General Setting.

In this settings you can control how Pasmah send email and SMS. note: the server that Pasmah installed on must be connected to the internet to be able to send email.

App Screen.

The devices screen

  1. Click Configure menu item.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click General Settings.

General Setting Page.

In this page you change email and SMS settings.

App Screen.

General Setting Page.

  1. The (From) email which used as the sender email (often the official company email or the support email).
  2. Select this option if you want the program to send an SMS to the employee manager when a specific exception occurs (such as late entry to work, early exit, or delay in rest times).
  3. Select this option if you want the program to send an Email to the employee manager when a specific exception occurs (such as late entry to work, early exit, or delay in rest times).
  4. Select this option if you want the program to send an SMS to the employee when a specific exception occurs (such as late entry to work, early exit, or delay in rest times).
  5. Select this option if you want the program to send an Email to employee when a specific exception occurs (such as late entry to work, early exit, or delay in rest times).
  6. Consider Day Off Work Hours As Overtime (Not Regular Hours).
  7. Select this option if you want to display overtime hours in reports after multiplying by the hourly rate. designed in overtime paycode.
  8. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the employee absence from work.
  9. Select this options to send SMS, email exception if the employee
  10. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  11. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  12. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  13. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  14. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  15. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  16. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  17. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  18. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  19. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  20. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  21. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  22. Select this options to send SMS and/or email exception if the
  23. Enter the licence you obtain when you purchased Pasmah.
  24. Enter customer name.
  25. Enter company name.
  26. Click Activate Application to Activate Pasmah Application. note: the server that Pasmah installed on must be connected to the internet.
  27. Click Save button to save your work.

