
Defining  Schedule.

Schedule is the last step in configuring company shift. you associate one schedule template with schedule when you design it.  schedule template define shifts within one week. also you must define holidays that may overlap with date range for schedule. schedule has start date and end date. to open Schedule list page see Figure 1.1.

App Screen.

Opening Schedule List page

  1. Click the Shifts menu item.
  2. Click the Schedule menu item to open the Schedule list page. see Figure 1.2

Schedule List page.

When opening Schedule List page, it displays all schedules defined in the system by default. you can filter the list by a specific name, by enter the name (or part of it) in Schedule Name search box. see Figure 1.3.

App Screen.

Schedule List page.

  1. Enter the name (or part of it) in Schedule Name search box. see Figure 1.3.
  2. Click the Search button to start search.
  3. This is the grid that display the results.
  4. Click Add New to open Add New Schedule. see Figure 1.4.
  5. Click Delete selected button to delete the selected schedule.
  6. Click Edit button to open Edit Schedule. see Figure 1.8

Search for a Schedule by name or part of name.

The Figure below show how to search for a schedule by name or part of name.

App Screen.

Search for a Schedule by name or part of name.

  1. Enter the name (or part of it) in Schedule Name search box.  (as in Figure: F3 production night).
  2. Click the Search button to start search.
  3. This is the grid that display the results. (All schedules that contain the phrase:"F3 production night" in their names).

Creating new Schedule.

When you click: Add New button in Figure 1.2. the Add New schedule will open. see Figure 1.4.

App Screen.

Creating new Schedule.

  1. Enter the new Schedule name.
  2. Enter the new Schedule description.
  3. The name and descriptions entered in Standard tap are used in place of missed translation. as an example: if you don't write the English translation for the Schedule name and the user change the interface language to English, the Schedule name entered int Standard tap will be used. so the standard tap is a fallback for any missed translation.
  4. Enter the English translation for name and description.
  5. Enter the Arabic translation for name and description.
  6. Choose Schedule template that will be associated with the new Schedule.
  7. Select the start date of the Schedule.
  8. Select the end date of the Schedule.
  9. Select one or more holidays which its dates are overlap with date range of the schedule. you must previously define this Holiday.
  10. This panel contain the all company departments in hierarchical view. every department has a circle that shows the number of employees associated with this department.
  11. This panel show all employees associated with the selected department.
  12. This panel show all employees associated with the new schedule. you can drag any employee from the employees panel to this panel. see Figure 1.6.
  13. Click Save button to save you work and return to schedule list page.
  14. Click Save And Continue button to save you work  and stay in the same page (for review and editing if needed).
  15. Click Back to Schedule List to return to schedule list page. note: if you click this link before saving you will lost your work.

Adding Schedule template to the Schedule.

Select the Schedule template from the drop-down combo box to associate it with the new Schedule.

App Screen.

Adding Schedule template to the Schedule.

  1. Select the Schedule template from the drop-down combo box to associate it with the new Schedule.

Adding Official Holidays to the Schedule.

Select the Official Holiday or Holidays from the drop-down combo box to associate them with the new Schedule. note you can select more than one holiday. as you see from Figure 1.6 there are two holidays selected:

  1. Eid elfitr 1442-2021.
  2. National Day.

you MUST make sure that the holidays dates are inside the range date of the Schedule. in this case (12-06-2021 ->11-06-2022).

App Screen.

Adding Official Holidays to the Schedule.

  1. Click the Official Holidays to add them to the Schedule. or click the x button to remove one holiday.

Associating employees with schedule.

You can associate one or more employees to schedule with many through the three panels in Figure 1.5. when you click a department in panel 1 you will see its employees in panel 2. you can drag employees from panel 2 to panel 3. all employees in panel 3 will be associated with the new schedule. when you click the save button. 

App Screen.

Associating employees with schedule

  1. The department panel.
  2. The employees of the selected panel.
  3. The schedule employees panel.
  4. the selected department in this case: AOTOMOTIVE WORKSHOP. it has 14 employees, all these employees appear in employees panel (panel 2).
  5. Click this button to move the selected employee one level up.
  6. Click this button to move the selected employee one down above.
  7. Click this button to move the selected employee to panel 3 (adding him to the schedule).
  8. Click this button to move the selected employee to panel 2 (removing him from the schedule).
  9. Click this button to move all employees in panel 2 to panel 3 (adding them to the schedule).
  10. Click this button to move all employees in panel 3 to panel 2 (removing them from the schedule).
  11. Click this button to delete employee from panel. the employee will not deleted from the system.
  12. Dragging the employee (1939-ABA KHAN MOHAMED) from panel 2 to panel 3 to add him to the schedule.

Editing Schedule.

When you click the edit button in Figure 1.2, Edit Schedule page will open.

App Screen.

Editing Schedule.

  1. Enter the new Schedule name.
  2. Enter the new Schedule description.
  3. The name and descriptions entered in Standard tap are used in place of missed translation. as an example: if you don't write the English translation for the Schedule name and the user change the interface language to English, the Schedule name entered int Standard tap will be used. so the standard tap is a fallback for any missed translation.
  4. Enter the English translation for name and description.
  5. Enter the Arabic translation for name and description.
  6. Choose Schedule template that will be associated with the new Schedule.
  7. Select the start date of the Schedule.
  8. Select the end date of the Schedule.
  9. Select one or more holidays which its dates are overlap with date range of the schedule. you must previously define this Holiday.
  10. The department panel. you can change the department to see other employees.
  11. The employees of the selected panel. from this panel you can add employee to the schedule.
  12. The schedule employees panel.

